“You made magic! Thank you! One particular quote I wanted to share with you from the survey, "I wish Jihan McDonald was a teacher because she made us all feel comfortable." Thank you for doing that. Thank you for being that! Thanks for making the universe better.” -Christi Carpenter, Life Academy Administrator
“This is the first time in my life I’ve ever felt like a leader.” - Anonymous Student feedback
“ Ability to kindly invite those taking up too much space to step back a little bit.
Gentle encouragement for those who are more reticent to speak up.
* Flexibility. When you check in with a group, you actually mean the plan can be changed as a result of this check in! Superpower: holding the container while authentically responding to changing needs in the room.
* Fearlessly bringing somatic practice to institutions steeped in rational thought and mind/body separation. (see more below)
*When Jihan first asked my colleagues to tune into their own breathing in a regular old staff meeting I looked around nervously. I certainly wanted to believe somatic awareness could be incorporated into our daily business, but doubted people would be that agreeable or vulnerable. Jihan modeled this "tune in" in a powerful way, noting why this should proceed or even replace a verbal check-in. And indeed, my colleagues followed along. This effectively changed the tone of meetings since there were at least a couple of us committed to holding it... out of the deep conviction that our bodies know/sense/can explain more than our limited brains can sometimes. We need to be somewhat self-connected to be present. And it really helps to be present if you have to make important decisions!" - Heather S; English Professor
"Intuition; compassionate critique of systemic oppression; patience, persistence, and peculiarity; bridging gaps between understanding and perspectives; magic, ritual, space holding; I could go on and on cuz there's SO MANY superpowers I value in you!" - Seneca M., BeJustBodies Founder
“*It's like you have a through line for life. You navigate the roiling sea of life always seemingly able to balance the chaos and order, always finding that threaded edge of balance, the curve of ying and yang, and you are able to communicate that balance to others. You are a balancing force. You always see the abyss at your/our feet while also having your eyes on the peaks above us. And you are fearless in naming the joys and the dangers. The pitfalls and the opportunities for growth. You can know and celebrate our absolute oneness and call out our blind spots that create terrible and pitiful disharmony and damage because of our apparent differences. You hold space for conversations that most people may want to have but are afraid to broach. You are a healer and a warrior. And in addition to all this you are so artful and I think one of the best thinkers I know. I want to be reading your words long into the future.”
- Mary H, Housing Advocate
“You speak your truth and do it from a place of integrity, clarity, groundedness, authenticity.“ - Anne S-B; Canticle Farm co-Founder
“Ability to reduce volume in the room by maintaining their own rhythm and volume. "People are like, 'speak up' and Jihan is like 'listen up'" :)” - Jo; Artist
“Bringing the constant background noise of oppression to the foreground;
Speaking potently and truthfully when your liberation is at stake;
Being a nervous system that feels calming to be around;
Expressing an unequivocal yes to the mystery”. Adhamh R; Musician, Educator
“- Big heart and caring
- Able to see big picture, intersectional and interdisciplinary thinking
- *Able to make big picture, intersectional and interdisciplinary thinking salient to a group
- Creative
- Gentle and Disarming
- *Giving feedback in a digestible way
- *Asking questions and eliciting group creativity
In general, I think your work is deeply important and essential and I’m very grateful you are out there doing it. Grateful to be a part of your network and for what I’ve learned from you.” - Lauren D-H; Weaving Earth co-Founder
“Humorous -> with a genius ability to consider layers and complexities, you see many things and are able to make light of them while being present to and holding so many hard truths in the humor.
- *Present -> your superpower here is the way in which you sit, hold your body, and stare - not aimlessly, but presently, into whatever is taking place. You're genuinely*with* me/us/community when you are physically there, You are all the way there.
- Ability to put your intentions/dreams?/desires into fruition and with a certain kind of patience or knowing.
- *Gentle fierceness...is that self explanatory?” -Kati; Nurse/Midwife
“*Deep vulnerability no matter the context
* *skill with disarming wit, jokes, sarcasm and truths
* generosity and the capacity to ask for help when you need it
* strong and steady stride toward your best self
* *capacity to question social dynamics in order to call others into interesting conversation
* *Badass Artivist!!!” - Amutabi T; Artivist
“You bring me to tears, Jihan McDonald. You are truly one of the most remarkable, inspiring people that I have ever met. This in over 61 years filled with classes/encounters/retreats/ lectures that include Madeleine L'Engle, Molly Ivins, Sr. Helen Prejean, Angeles Arrien, Anne Lamott, Brian Swimme, Belvie Rooks, Pema Chodrön, hugs from Amma, Phil Cousineau, Joyce Rupp, scores of recovery speakers, classmates . . . Just sayin. Any fellowship & always The MacArthur should be yours.”
- Leslie S; Theologian
“You have an astoundingly authentic way of thoughtfully appreciating those around you, it feels fluid, present, loving and lacks any hint of possession.
You share your experience, both joyful and otherwise, in a way that seems to intrinsically acknowledge the spectrum of experiences floating around on this planet. In that way, your sharing is both affirming and easy to empathize with.
- The way you listen is something I've been harkening to in my own self-improvement since I met you. When I watch you listen you are engaged, you seem to naturally honor that that person has gifts to share, and you also know how to give constructive feedback or just honestly say when and why you don't agree or get it.
- You are a queen of leading by following
- *integrity, trustworthiness, persistence, openness, seeing, compassionate questioning,... the list goes on.” - Ren C; Yoga Teacher/Bodyworker
“From my experience, there's a sense of ease and depth felt when in Jihan's presence. Jihan's superpower is to facilitate a transformation with a lightheartedness while grounded in creativity and practicality. This can be seen in their workshops as they remain aware of the group as its needs shifts with the winds of new information. They have a playful and inquisitive mind that allows for truly novel in-the-moment solutions to come forth! Allies For Life is a powerful, transformational framework that can be integrated into day-to-day life to live fully, and effectively contribute to the world.” - Seo M, FlowStyle Living Founder
“*Jihan’s superpower is holding brave space for community to explore challenging and vulnerable topics/issues in a very relational and healing manner.
The capacity to be discerning, confident, powerful and clear in your truth and knowing while at the same time being compassionate and open to hold healing space for other viewpoints and experiences.
•*Your ability to weave together many seemingly different practices into one holistic approach. I especially love your emphasis on bringing the body's intelligence through art making and movement practices into the work of undoing racism and deconstructing power and oppression
• Your emphasis on leading by example. For instance, instead of giving a power point presentation on self care practices for educators, I could see you standing in a circle with that same group of educators doing facial message and body scans. Your ability to share embodied practices is a strength.
• I appreciate your superpowers of; deep listening (I can feel your compassion when being witnessed by you) and strong intuition.
*Thank you for being an inspiration and for doing healing and meaningful work!”
Jahan, Educator, Poet, Musician
“Your ability to slow down time. It's took some getting use to on my part, mainly due to my living in constant fast forward, but once I leaned in I realized how much more present I could be, how I could practice intentional breath work, how when you asked for insights on my life I didn't need a quick summary but rather an actual insight of me.
- Your ability to see through the bullshit. You're one of the few people that I felt seen by in an uncomfortably good way. It felt as if you cared to know me and my inside part *chuckle*. Please note I'm wholeheartedly serious when I say inside parts, I just can't get my 10 year old reaction to the beloved scene outta my mind. Even though I felt as if I needed to hide in general your presence always reminded me that I was safe.
- Your ability to create a space of peace wherever you are. I don't know what's happening in your mind and heart but whatever the hec is happening that vibration is lite. Outside of my own doing, I've never felt anxious in your company.
- You're funny, you're insightful, you're righteously angered - I use angered with little knowledge of what you actually feel but rather I gauged with the best of my own ability. Also wanna add I understand the root of all anger is deep disappointment and dissatisfaction festered and unattended to. So in some ways I truly believe, at times, that anger from black woman/gnc afab is more often then not wholly justified.
- I really appreciate you can you know we'd be shit outta luck without people like you holding space for the foolery/systemic conditioning of a people to be intentionally or passively oppressive! "
- Sabaa Z; Performance Artivist